Dr. Yu Kee Su

Deputy President
Dato’ Dr. Low Moi Ing, Jennifer

Vice President
S P Setia Berhad
(Represented by Mr Tan Siow Chung)

Vice President
Rotol-Ams-Bumi Technologies Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Datuk Seri Garry Chua)

Vice President
Sr Subramaniam Arumugam
Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents & Property Consultants in the Private Sector Malaysia (PEPS)

Vice President
Mr. Tan Kian Aun
Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA)

Vice President
Ms. Phang Sau LIan
Malaysian Shopping Malls Association (PPK)

Vice President
Ar. Adrianta Aziz
Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)

Vice President
Datuk Ho Hon Sang
Real Estate & Housing Developers’ Association (REHDA)

Vice President
Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Bin Che Cob
Royal Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (RISM)

Vice President
Datuk Sr. Chua Soon Ping
Sabah Housing & Real Estate Developers Association (SHAREDA)

Vice President
Ir. Prof. Dr Jeffrey Chiang Choong Luin
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

Vice President
Mr. Wong Chung Ho, Augustine
Sarawak Housing & Real Estate Developers’ Association (SHEDA)

Vice President
PMgr Sr Hj Ishak bin Ismail
Malaysian Institute of Property and Facility Managers (MIPFM)

Vice President
Ts. Kamal Abd Ghafur Korusamy
Institute of Malaysian Property Agents & Consultants (IMPAC)

Vice President
Mr. Liew Yong Huat, Anthony
Malaysia My Second Home Consultants Association (MM2HCA)

Vice President
Dato’ Khor Siang Gin
Penang Branch Chairman

Secretary General
Datuk Hoe Mee Ling

Assistant Secretary General
Exsim Development Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Ms. Phoebe Law)

Honorary Treasurer
Ms. Sally Ng Siew Khim

Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Mr. Chia Tee

Honorary President
Dato’ Alan Tong Kok Mau

Immediate Past President
Datuk Sr Haji Firdaus Musa

Recent Past President
YM Tengku Dato’ Ab. Aziz Tengku Mahmud
National Committee Members:

Sr Huang Hua, Victor

CBRE WTW Valuation & Advisory Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Sr Foo Gee Jen)

PKNS Real Estate Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Sr Fakru Radzi bin Ab. Ghani)

Mr. Siva Shanker

Dr Teoh Poh Huat

Aspen Vision City Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Ir. Anilarasu Amaranazan)

Hartamas Real Estate (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Mr. Eric Lim Chin Heng)

Ideal Property Development Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Tan Sri Dato’ Ooi Kee Liang, Alex)

Horizon L&L Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Datuk Lim Kiu Hock)

Ms. Wong Poh Gaik, Julie

Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Mr. Terence Chia Oon Hock)

Dato’ Manpal Singh Sacdev

IJM Land Berhad
(Represented by Mr Soh Wai Fong)

Malaysia Land Properties Sdn Bhd
(Represented by Dato’ Kevin Woo)