Daily Industry News Update (21 May 2021)


Fewer auction properties in 2020 but not good news

A total of 27,541 properties with an estimated reserve value of RM14.2 billion went under the hammer in 2020, a year-on-year decline of 25% and 28% in terms of cases and value respectively, according to AuctionGuru.com.my data. Not only did the number of foreclosure

Zooming into auction market 2020

Amongst the 27,541 foreclosure properties, a majority of 83% or 22,867 residential properties worth RM8.5 billion was put up for auction last year. Commercial properties consisted of 13% or 3,576 cases, while foreclosure land stood at 4% or 1,098 cases. For the residential segment,

Total lockdown in Klang Valley poses major economic drag

Stringent containment measures within the Klang Valley – notably in the form of a total lockdown – could cause a dent on the economy especially if it is a total lockdown that stretches beyond a two-week period. In the view of PublicInvest Research, a lack of more

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