Daily Industry News Update (28 May 2021)


Homeowners – be educated and be aware

After staying in your condominium for many years, you decide to contribute your expertise to the Management Corporation (MC) and volunteer to be a part of the committee. After getting on board, you meet Mr A who also sits on the committee and he seems very knowledgeable

Owners, never underestimate your power

So, you own a strata property. You may not be in the Joint Management Body (JMB) or Management Corporation (MC) but you can have a say in the decision-making process of the management by voicing your concerns, grievances and suggestions through an annual general

Are borrowers still at the losing end of loan agreements?

For too long, loan borrowers have been at the losing end as many do not fully understand the terms and conditions (T&C) stated in housing loans or financing contracts. Even if they do understand them, they know all too well the bargaining power is not in their hands. They

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